On the 17th of May 2010, following three years of research and production, Lata Gouveia finally unveilled “Red Dirt: Songs from the dust” to a private audience at the legendary Circle Cinema in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The audience boasted not only many of the Red Dirt artists who are widelly recognized as having been originators of the movement like Tom Skinner, Greg Jacobs, Randy Crouch and The Red Dirt Rangers, but also representatives of younger generations of Red Dirt Music, older Tulsa Sound legends like Don White and Rocky Frisco, many other great Tulsa musicians like Steve Prior, Little Joe McClerren and some of the most rabid Oklahoma music fans, radio hosts and journalists.

Some very important organizations were also represented such as The Blues Society of Tulsa (one of the biggest in the USA) for whom Gouveia has been a contributing writer since 2007 and also the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame and the Tulsa Mayor’s office, in the shape of Mayor Bartlett himself.

“The reaction”, Lata Gouveia said “was overwelming”. “When you take on a project like this you have a  clear notion that a degree of research and dilligence is required because you are dealing with the cultural heritage of a people. But it’s only at the point when you have to look those  same people in the eye and show them how you intend to portray them to the World that it really hits home what an honor and priviledge it was to be let in to document something that should be Universally witnessed and yet remains incredibly personal”. Later this year and in 2011 the film will be presented to European audiences and the production partners will also look into the best DVD and Blu Ray Distribution options. For now, there is the pride and relief of a job well done and the knowledge that a ground-breaking piece of memorabilia has been created. Seldom has the grassroots reality of the great American music tradition been stripped bare in quite this way. For the State of Oklahoma itself, this is a first (perhaps of several) such international productions.

3 Responses to TULSA SCREENING

  1. Gracie (RedDirtWoman) says:

    Lata…I remember reading the articles you wrote when you first came here and discovered our special Okie sounds……I felt those articles were love letters. I see bow just how very right I was. Congratulations…..this film must be like a child that was conceived from that love. Right on!

  2. Karen Elliott says:

    This is just fantastic! Literally! Thank you, Lata, for putting this together. Karen

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